Orthoplex White BioActive Lipids 150ml




Purified in Norway, Orthoplex White BioActive Lipids Liquid delivers the next generation of omega-3, strictly to clinicians only. Purified using state-of-the-art technology, this brand protected omega-3 provides quality-assured purity, freshness and sustainability on each label. Flavoured with natural, non-GMO and salicylate-free orange oil, BioActive Lipids Liquid encourages high patient compliance.

What are ‘bioactive lipids’?
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and their downstream metabolites are referred to as ‘bioactive lipids’ in scientific literature due to their ability to influence multiple signalling pathways within the body. These lipids are highly bioactive at lower levels of oxidation and toxicity.

Orthoplex White Bioactive Lipids Liquid is proudly deep sea, wild-caught and third-party certified for sustainability by Friend of the Sea (FOS) and the International Fishmeal and Fish Oil Organisation Global Standard for Responsible Supply (IFFORS).


Each 5mL (1 level 5mL metric teaspoon) contains

Concentrated fish omega-3 triglycerides 4.55g
equiv. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 1.64g
equiv. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 1.09g

Manufacturing Excipients: Medium chain triglycerides, natural sweet orange oil.
Incidental Excipients: Nil.
Adult Dose: Take 5mL (one metric teaspoon) daily. 
Children 6-12 years Dose: Take 2.5ml (1/2 metric teaspoon) daily.
Children 2-5 years Dose: Take 1.25ml (1/4 metric teaspoon) daily or as recommended by your registered healthcare practitioner.
If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.
Nutritional supplements should not replace a balanced diet.  
Contains fish oil.

Medications: None reported.
Pregnancy and lactation: None reported.

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TGA Listed product with Aust L 259552.

 Download TGA Public Summary for TGA published information including excipients, which are listed under 'Other Ingredients'.