FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Monkshood 7.5ml


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The Range of Light consists of 48 extraordinary flower essences. They are prepared throughout the bio-region of the Sierra Nevada Range of Light, including its magnificent alpine mountain peaks and all that flows from these heights to create lava and granite outcroppings, verdant woodlands and oak savannahs, fertile river valleys, stunning coastal regions and pristine deserts. Also included as a site for some essences is Terra Flora, our garden in the Sierra foothills dedicated to the synthesis of human and elemental co-working.

The flower essences in the Range of Light have been the subject of field study and practitioner reports for over 15 years. This extraordinary collection of flower essences represents another octave of development in the profound soul themes that are the hallmark of FES flower essence therapy. The Range of Light flower essences are playing an important role in healing work throughout the world, and it is time now to make them available to a larger public.

Our name takes its inspiration from John Muir, founder of the Sierra Club, who championed the Sierra Nevada as both a naturalist and environmental organizer. Muir wrote ".rejoicing in its glorious floods of light, the white beams of the morning streaming through the passes, the noonday radiance on the crystal rocks, the flush of the alpenglow, and the irised spray of countless waterfalls, it still seems above all others the Range of Light."

Positive qualities: Positive and courageous spiritual leadership; profound capacity for clairvoyance that is well integrated with social and moral values

Patterns of imbalance: Repression of spiritual capacities due to fear of psychic opening, often associated with traumatic memory, of near death or related threshold experiences; paralysis of spiritual forces due to prior trauma or cultic abuse; hidden cultic or sexual behavior